Alicia’s story

Alicia’s boyfriend promised her a new life where she could earn enough money to support her ageing parents. She leapt at the chance and left her home country full of hope.

The second they arrived in Italy everything changed. Alicia was raped repeatedly by her boyfriend’s friends and he eventually brought her to the UK where he took her passport, gave her a false name and shut her in a basement. Alicia was sexually abused countless times a day and when she fell pregnant her boyfriend insisted she have an abortion.

When she was taken to hospital, Alicia saw her chance to escape. She dropped her GPS-tracked phone in the laundry basket and ran to the back exist. She had no idea where she was going – she just wanted to get away.

Eventually Alicia was helped by a passer-by and found refuge in a safe house. Here she received the medical, legal and emotional support she needed and made great progress. Her mother always told her that ‘every child is a gift’ and Alicia believes her baby gave her the gift of her freedom.

We have been journeying with Alicia providing her with maternity clothes, a hospital bag, clothes and equipment for her baby. We have continued to support her as she is now living in the community rebuilding her life.

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